JBS Foundation

JBS Foundation is a sister concern of JBS Holdings Ltd. We aim for the fusion of corporate social responsibility and business strategy creating awareness on the social issues of the society. To do so, we have continuous involvement in various social activities. We support to realize both the creation of societal values and economic growth that generates profit and contributes to the development of Bangladesh. We will keep working on improving society and the environment through communicating with diverse stakeholders. With the theme, Education for all children, we collaborate with “JBS Foundation to provide food, shelter & education for street children those deprived from their basic needs including education due to financial hardship. In addition, we have already established three primary schools and actively participate in the work to improve education for the poor & helpless people in Bangladesh.

society and the environment

JBS Holdings Ltd. is working to improve society and the environment. With the motto, Education for All Children, we established the “JBS Foundation” and built a shelter house to provide all the basic needs of the underprivileged children. At present we have 50 members of different age groups living in our shelter house. We have also built three primary schools in the hill areas of Bangladesh and actively engaged in improving the region’s literacy rate.


All CSR Program

Japanese stakeholders

Stakeholders in Japan encompass a diverse spectrum, including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, government bodies, regulatory authorities, local communities, and environmental advocates, among others. Each stakeholder group possesses distinct interests and expectations that collectively shape the strategic direction and success of Japanese enterprises. Shareholders, as financial stakeholders, invest in Japanese companies and expect sound financial performance. Their investments provide the capital necessary for business growth, innovation, and job creation, thereby contributing to Japan's economic development.

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Own Finances

Shareholders, as financial stakeholders, invest in Japanese companies and expect sound financial performance. Their investments provide the capital necessary for business growth, innovation, and job creation, thereby contributing to Japan's economic development.

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On-Time Handover

Shareholders, as financial stakeholders, invest in Japanese companies and expect sound financial performance. Their investments provide the capital necessary for business growth, innovation, and job creation, thereby contributing to Japan's economic development.

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Branded Materials And Equipment

Shareholders, as financial stakeholders, invest in Japanese companies and expect sound financial performance. Their investments provide the capital necessary for business growth, innovation, and job creation, thereby contributing to Japan's economic development.

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Satisfactory Service

Shareholders, as financial stakeholders, invest in Japanese companies and expect sound financial performance. Their investments provide the capital necessary for business growth, innovation, and job creation, thereby contributing to Japan's economic development.

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Professional Dedicated Team

A professional, dedicated team is the cornerstone of organizational success, representing a collective force capable of achieving ambitious objectives and sustaining excellence. Such a team comprises individuals who bring specialized skills, unwavering commitment, and a shared vision to their work, ensuring that the organization operates at the highest level of proficiency.

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